
Add a file browser and uploader to your app

An open source, plug-and-play File Picker that connects to many cloud storage APIs and offers easy file uploads and downloads between your app and any cloud storage service.


React Upload Features

A Unified File Picker / Uploader component for React

React component

Implement a unified file picker with just a single install.

Select files from multiple services

Easily search and select files stored in multiple services.

Integration settings

Seamlessly switch to the integration settings dashboard to enable services.


Sample project demonstrating the component

A sample project demonstrating the React file picker component that works with the Apideck File Storage API

A Unified File Picker / Uploader component for React

Select, Search and Upload files to multiple services


File Picker / Uploader

A sample project demonstrating the React file picker component that works with the Apideck File Storage API.

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